Category Archives: Social Networking

2011 State of Online Music – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Next Big Sound – a startup that tracks the popularity of music – has released a report on the major trends and highlights of the online music industry in 2011.

The report looks at the overall consumption numbers, the top networks and their most popular artists along with the top 50 artists of 2011.

Some quick numbers from the report:

  • In 2011, we collectively listened to 64,876,491,602 songs on the Internet
  • Top 5 artists on the web were  Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber,  Rihanna, Katy Perry and Adele

2011 - The State of Online Music

(via ReadWriteWeb)

Every 60 Seconds On The Internet – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Each minute, there are over 695,000 status updates on Facebook; There are 695,000 search queries on Google and nearly 100,000 Tweets. The scale of online activity is truly incredible, and yet looks to increase significantly over the next decade.

Barry Ritholtz has created the comprehensive Infographics below illustrating this activity.

Incredible Things That Happen Every 60 Seconds On The Internet

Incredible Things That Happen Every 60 Seconds On The Internet  Read more:


What Facebook Knows About You

Earlier this year an Austrian law student Max Schrems sent a request to Facebook to provide him with all his personal data. As Facebook has its European Operations center within the EU – in Dublin, Ireland – it must conform to EU law, and thus was obliged to provide all the data it stored about him.

Facebook sent Max received a CD containing about 1,222 pages (PDF files). This included deleted chats and other interactions dating back to 2008. This data was then visualized by Berlin-based newspaper [see results below].

Max Schrems has also requested more information on any other data which Facebook stores about him. Facebook has said this is confidential, and the matter is now with Ireland’s data protection commissioner which has started an audit. As a result of this, a new initiative has been started called Europe versus Facebook, which aims for greater transparency and control of personal data on Facebook.

Visualizations of Max’s Facebook data from

1,222 pages of Max’s Facebook data

1200 pages of Facebook data

Max’s Facebook logins

Max Facebook Logins

Max’s Message Activity

Max's Message Activity

Max’s Facebook Network

Max's Facebook Network

Max’s Vienna Photos

Max's Vienna Photos

Tags from Max’s Messages

Max's Message Tags


To get access to your own data from Facebook, follow the instructions at

(via Infosthetics and

Teens’ Relationship with Social Networking – [INFOGRAPHIC]

ZoneAlarm have created an informative Infographic illustrating the relationships teens have with social networking sites, and how this effects their attitudes towards others.

Teens’ Cruel World of Social Networking


(via ZoneAlarm)

Visualizing Twitter Hashtags

Follow the Hash Tag is a neat new application, which creates a live visualization of the most active users of any particular twitter hashtag.

Opendata on

From Infosthetics:

The visualization can be filtered for specific keywords, retweets or even unique Twitter users, including several other parameters (such as the minimum or maximum number of times a user needs to mention the keyword to be selected). The result then becomes a large clickable bubble graph accompanied with several Twitter frequency statistics, in which each user is being represented as a unique bubble of which the size depends on the number of appropriate tweets. These bubbles can be further explored to discover the usernames, profiles and their messages

Email is not Dead

With 188 billion email messages sent each day you might think email is lagging behind other other social sharing platforms. However, tt’s still the dominant communication platform for business, and if used as it is intended should continue to be one of the most important and effective communication mediums around.

Is Email Dead? [Infographic]

The State of Private Sharing

Posterous (the miro-blogging site) have just released their first annual report on the State of Private Sharing. One of the most interesting statistics from the report is that 45% of ‘friends’ on social networks are people we have never met before.
Private Sharing: The future of Social Networking


China’s Answer to Social Networking

In 2010, about 1 million articles were censored each day in China. Along with this, many western social networking sites are heavily restricted. This, however, has given rise to a vibrant ecosystem of copycat Chinese versions of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. These cater for the more than 500 million Chinese citizens online, and given an interesting view of an alternative social networking ecosystem than exists in most other areas of the world.

The Social Media Revolution Infographic highlights:

  • China’s great firewall – where sites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are censored
  • China’s preponderance of copycat platforms – Chinese versions of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
  • Reasons for the rapid rise in adoption and importance of social media sites in China

INFOGRAPHIC: A Social Media Revolution - China's Answer to Social Networking
