Tag Archives: Government

Spending Video Visualizations

UK Gov Savings 2011/12 – [VISUALIZATION]

Last month, the Cabinet Office’s Efficiency and Reform Group (ERG) released details of their approach to eradicating wasteful government spending and how this achieved over £5.5 billion in savings for the UK taxpayer.

Strict spending controls were implemented cut expenditure by departments on IT contracts, property, marketing, temporary staff and consultancy. These savings are highlighted in a useful Tree-map and accompanying video below released by the Cabinet Office.
Government savings 2011-12

The video – created by the Efficiency and Reform Group in the Cabinet Office and released as part of the same news story – outlines how and where the 2011/12 £5.5bn in savings were achieved. It breaks down the £5.5bn into its component parts (as outlined in the graphic above) to show where and how the money was saved.

Altogether the Tree-map and accompanying video represent a clear and effective mechanism of communicating the breath of savings the Cabinet office ERG group have achieved over the past year.

(via Cabinet Office)

Graphs and Charts Spending Visualizations

50 Years Of US Government Spending – [GRAPH]

The fascinating graphic below – from NPR – details US federal government spending and how this has changed from 50 years ago, 25 years ago and last year. It categories spending into areas such as defense, social security and medicaid.

50 Years Of Government Spending, In 1 Graph

For more details on the categorisations above, check out Planet Money’s blog post on the chart.

Data sourceOffice of Management and Budget

(via NPR Planet Money)