Tag Archives: Education

Infographic Innovation

Desperately Seeking Innovators – [INFOGRAPHIC]

GOOD and Common Five have collaborated to produce an informative infographic on the “dwindling pool of future U.S. innovators” and the reasons that keeps students from fields typically associated with innovation. It provides a good understanding of why many young people aren’t looking at the fields of Science Technology Engineering and Maths as a possible future career paths.

30% of young people surveyed said that they find Science Technology Engineering Maths (STEM) topics “too challenging”. Along with this 45% of students reported that “invention is not given enough attention in school.” and only 22% of the 16-25 year-olds said that they would be motivated by “jobs that would give them a chance to change the world.”

The full detailed infographic is available at good.is.

(via publicyte.com)