Category Archives: Europe

Europe Infographic Video

How Ireland sells itself to Multinationals – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ireland’s Industrial Development Agency (IDA) is responsible for the attraction and development of foreign investment in Ireland. As part of this they have developed the infographic below detailing the country’s foreign direct investment and the reasons for investing in Ireland.

The number one selling point is the country’s tax/business regime, but our talent scorecard and increased cost competitiveness also make the list.

Foreign Investment in Ireland

Along with this, they created a short video below highlighting some of the reasons why Ireland is the best small country in the world to do business.


Europe Infographic

The EU’s Response to the Euro Crisis – [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) recently released an informative Infographic entitled “The European Union’s Response to the Euro Crisis”. It provides and overview of many of the EU’s actions taken to date to tackle the crisis and provides an overview of some policies still under discussion e.g the Fiscal compact.

The infographic is fairly comprehensive in its presentation of data, which rather detracts from any narrative regarding the response to the crisis. Nevertheless, it represents a smorgasbord of policy actions, rules and ideas implemented over the last few years.
Euro Crisis

Europe Time-lapse Travel Video

Top 6 Urban Travel Videos – [VIDEO]

The Guardian’s travel website has gathered together a superb collection of the best urban travel videos on the web. The videos – gathered via @GuardianTravel – highlight some of the imaginative ways to discover what these cities have to offer.

1) Berlin

Little Big Berlin from pilpop on Vimeo.

2) Milan

Milan Dreaming from Francesco Paciocco on Vimeo.

3) Hong Kong

[ Homeland ] – with my DIY motion-dolly from Asa Li on Vimeo.

4) Vancouver

5) Paris

A postcard from Paris from Owen Kilgour on Vimeo.

6) New York

Mindrelic – Manhattan in motion from Mindrelic on Vimeo.

A Year in New York

A Year in New York from Andrew Clancy on Vimeo.

(via Guardian Travel)

Europe Infographic

Euro Debt Crisis Key Indicators – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Created by Hang IO as an entry for the visualization challenge Money Panics, the infographic below explains some of the Key Indicators in relation to the Euro Debt Crisis.
Some quick numbers:
  • European Debt as a % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2011 was 87.3%
  • Greece has the highest Government Gross Debt as % of GDP at  142.8%
  • Ireland has the highest Government Debt per Capita at €33,105 per person



Europe Video Visualizations

Visualizing the Intensity of Urban Life

Manu Fernandez has gathered together a collection of visualisations highlighting the intensity of urban activity in cities around the world. The expanding urban landscape is generating a huge amount of data on the inner workings of cities and the social interactions occurring within these environments. The growing open data movement provides a rich ecosystem of data in which to visualize the fabric and life of these societies.

Some of the examples below represent the best formats of how to visualize the intensity of urban life through video and interactive web tools.

 US Road Fatalities (2001 – 2009)

Transport data mapping experts ITO World have taken official data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and produced a powerful interactive map detailing US road fatalities between Jan 2001 and December 2009. Each dot on the map represents one of the 369,629 people that died on America’s roads between 2001 and 2009.


The TrashTrack project asked the question “Why do we know so much about the supply chain and so little about the ‘removal-chain'”. The result was the fascinating video and visualization above which won the NSF International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge.

It used hundreds of small,  location aware tags attached to different types of trash to follow progress of trash through city’s waste management system. These revealed the stunning final journey of everyday trash in a series of real time visualizations. The project represented “an initial investigation into understanding the ‘removal-chain’ in urban areas and it represents a type of change that is taking place in cities: a bottom-up approach to managing resources and promoting behavioral change through pervasive technologies”.

London Bike Map

London Bike Share

This map visualizes all bikes of the public hire schemes in London and many other cities throughout the world.  The animated map displays information on the distribution of all the checkin points, the level of use at any given time and the availability of bicycles at each point.

Along with the interactive map, there is a superb real-time animation of the use of bikes in London.

London Hire Bikes animation from Sociable Physics on Vimeo.

Real-time Singapore

This visualization aims to provide a greater understanding of some of the city’s dynamics. It provides people with access to a range of useful real-time urban activity information. The aim is to give “people visual and tangible access to real-time information about their city enables them to take their decisions more in sync with their environment, with what is actually happening around them.”

For more visualizations of Urban Life, check out London: A Year in Maps ( and The best of 2011 (Spatial Analysis).


Europe Infographic Visualizations

Europe’s Wage Trends

The outsourcing and consulting group Kelly, have created the graphic below illustrating European Wage Trends over the past decade. The low increases in advanced countries wage rates are in sharp contrast to Eastern Europe and Central Asia (although these have increased from a much lower level).


For data on which countries in Europe have the longest working hours and highest productivity, check out the Guardian data blog.

(via KellyOGC)