Category Archives: Infographic


The Enormity of WalMart – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Walmart is the largest grocery store in the U.S., the largest retailer in the world (e.g. owns ASDA in the UK), has the largest corporate revenue and is the largest employer in the world. Frugaldad‘s infographic tries to explain the enormity of the retail superpower by putting it into context in terms of national governments.
Walmart Infographic


Europe Infographic Video

How Ireland sells itself to Multinationals – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ireland’s Industrial Development Agency (IDA) is responsible for the attraction and development of foreign investment in Ireland. As part of this they have developed the infographic below detailing the country’s foreign direct investment and the reasons for investing in Ireland.

The number one selling point is the country’s tax/business regime, but our talent scorecard and increased cost competitiveness also make the list.

Foreign Investment in Ireland

Along with this, they created a short video below highlighting some of the reasons why Ireland is the best small country in the world to do business.


Infographic Visualizations

6 Reasons to Visualize Your Data – [Infographic]

Web design agency J6Design have designed an infographic detailing 6 reasons to visualize your data. They range from:

  1. People are suffering information overload
  2. 83% of learning occurs visually
  3. People remember only 20% of what they read
  4. Images are more appealing (improve absorption of data)
  5. Infographics get shared
  6. Make you an industry leader

6 reasons to visualize your data (infographic) by J6 design

6 reasons to visualize your data (infographic)

Infographic Video Visualizations on Infographic Templates – [VIDEO]

Last week’s South By South West festival saw the launch of a new Infographic creation tool from the folks over at The tool is attempting to do for infographics what Microsoft did for presentations through its powerpoint software i.e. make it easy to create presentations using custom templates.

The company launched a new platform which allows anyone to create data visualisations based on data Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) from Facebook Insights, Twitter and more.

Currently, offers a small range of WordPress-like themes and a small list of datasets. expects the range of themes/designs and data feeds will grow over time and to facilitate this they will be opening the platform up to the community, so that anyone can create their your own designs and themes.

From the blog post on the announcement:

Making an infographic, based on your own data, couldn’t be easier. Simply connect and click to produce a professional-looking  infographic. If you don’t like the first design you try, click though the themes until you find one that you do like.

We are social creatures, so we thought it only natural to start with Twitter and Facebook. Using feeds from our partners at Infochimps, PeopleBrowsr, and, we’ve enabled you to create infographics that track and measure you or your brand’s performance in social media.

Infographic Creation Made Easy with Create

To create a custom infographic using’s new tool, check out

(via fastcodedesign)


Guinness Vs Beer – [INFOGRAPHIC]

GoIreland (and online booking website) have created a timely infographic for St. Patrick’s day highlighting the health benefits of drinking Guinness over Beer.

From the blog:

Whether you enjoy the dark stuff, or lean towards lager, the results show that a pint of one, or the other, can have positive effects on various areas of the body, such as the heart, bones and even your skin. Through painstaking research, we even worked out how many individual peanuts each drink is the equivalent to eating, how long it would take to burn off those calories and taken a look at some of the strongest beers known to mankind.

The Health Benefits of Guinness vs. Beer

(via broadsheet)

Infographic Innovation

10 Things Invented By The Irish – [INFOGRAPHIC]

In time for St. Patrick’s day, GoIreland (an Irish booking engine) has created an Infographic listing 10 weird things invented by the Irish. These include:

  • The Submarine
  • Colour Photography
  • Soda Water
  • Aircraft Ejection sear
  • and of course Guinness!

(via broadsheet)


Imagining the Future of 1950 – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Retronaut has uncovered a fascinating infographic from Popular Science Monthly illustrating how 1950 was imagined in 1925.


Infographic Innovation

Desperately Seeking Innovators – [INFOGRAPHIC]

GOOD and Common Five have collaborated to produce an informative infographic on the “dwindling pool of future U.S. innovators” and the reasons that keeps students from fields typically associated with innovation. It provides a good understanding of why many young people aren’t looking at the fields of Science Technology Engineering and Maths as a possible future career paths.

30% of young people surveyed said that they find Science Technology Engineering Maths (STEM) topics “too challenging”. Along with this 45% of students reported that “invention is not given enough attention in school.” and only 22% of the 16-25 year-olds said that they would be motivated by “jobs that would give them a chance to change the world.”

The full detailed infographic is available at


Infographic Spending

InvisibleChildren’s 2011 Expenses – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Invisible Children is a US-based campaigning group, founded in 2004 by film-makers, which has been working in Uganda – monitoring LRA movements and helping displaced children and families. They recently released a 30-minute film – Kony 2012 – to raise awareness of the activities of Joseph Kony, who leads the Lord’s Resistance Army. The film has gone viral – amassing over 70 million views –  but has led to a lot of questions about the group and their finances.

This morning, Invisible Children issued a detailed response to the criticism here with one of the interesting aspects being the infographic detailing their 2011 expenses. The graphic provides a clear view of how they spent their income in 2011:

Below is a screen-shot from pages 35 and 36 of the 2011 Invisible Children annual report that detail our total expenses for Fiscal Year 2011. An expense statement by class is the way nonprofits present their expenses to the public because it’s the clearest way to show the purpose of different organizational expenses vs. a line item expense statement such as the one on page 6 of our Audited Financial Report.

For more on InvisibleChildren’s financial details, check


The Cost of Deadly Disasters: Japan – (INFOGRAPHIC)

The HuffingtonPost has put the cost of rebuilding Japan after last year’s earthquake and tsunami into perspective through a nifty infographic below. The price of rebuilding after the disaster has already been huge – US$210 billion in the first nine months following the disaster — making the 2011 tsunami the costliest natural disaster ever, in the costliest year ever for natural disasters.

(via HuffingtonPost)